1 Simple Step To Get What You Want In 2017.

Hey Lovely

If you’re anything like me, I’m sure you’re in a state of reflection and goal setting right now as the New Year approaches fast, so I wanted to share something that has really helped me this year and enabled me to move out of that place of struggle and frustration of not moving.

I spent a long time going round in circles with my weight and emotional eating but one of the game changers for me was getting really super clear with what I wanted. Sounds simple I know. But most of us are actually so focused on what we ‘don’t want’ instead of what we want.

I did the exact same thing, I was so frustrated with my size, my shape, my food habits, that this is what I’d focus on all the time. I’d obsess over how stuck I felt, how uncomfortable I was in my body, what I could and couldn’t eat, it took over my mind and my life.

The shift happened for me when I started to focus on what I WANTED instead. So instead of focusing on being over weight and how much I hated it, I started to focus on being the slim, healthy, toned version of me.

I embodied her, breathed like her, walked like her and got so super focused on who I wanted to be and then did everything in my power to get there.

Maybe you’e struggling with your weight right now? Maybe you’re finding it hard to juggle your health, relationships and work? I get it. But I’ve got a great tool for you to implement that can help and the good news is you can use the same approach for every area of your life.


Spend some time today creating one super clear, focused, positive vision that embodies everything you WANT. (not what you don’t want)

Grab your journal, put on some inspiring music and write. Make sure you cover everything you want for 2017.

I break my vision down into categories;

1. Relationships. (this includes partner, children, family, friends)
2. Health and fitness.
3. Career/Business.
4. Money/finances.
5. Personal development/spirituality/mindset.
6. Travel.

Then under each category I write what I want and I keep writing until I can’t think of anything else.

A key element to this process is I always start my writing with, “It’s 31st December 2017, (end of next year) I’m currently sat _____(wherever I want to be) and I’m reflecting on the past year, I’m so proud of what I’ve achieved.” Then I go on to write what I have achieved this year as though I’ve already done it. What this does is put your mind into a state of thinking and feeling as though it already has these things, it’s really really powerful.

Be sure as you’re writing that you use the phrase ‘I am” or ‘I have’ write as though these things have already been achieved.

For example “I have achieved so much working with my personal trainer and I’m the fittest and most toned I’ve ever been. I’ve noticed such a shift in my eating, I eat clean and feel amazing, wow this year has been incredible.”

See what I mean? This is so much more powerful than saying ‘this year I will work with a personal trainer and I will do my best to eat as well as I can. I want to be slim and toned.’ Notice the difference? There’s no certainty and not as much emotional connection compared to the first example.

This is why it’s so important to write as though you’ve already achieved these things.

Then the next step is to feel how it feels to be that version of you and connect with her, be her now, embody that every day and do everything it takes, everything in your power to get it. As you’re writing actually connect with how it feels to be at the end of 2017 having achieved all of this! Whooo!!

This is such a powerful process. Be sure to connect with this vision daily, hold it in your mind and know where you’re heading. Do this often and you’ll be surprised at just how quickly you achieve your dreams and goals!

Make sure that in December 2017 you look back thinking ‘I gave it absolutely everything I had, I did everything in my power and I’m so proud of myself’.Every day counts and has the power to impact your year!

Let’s make 2017 the best year yet!

I believe in you!

Lots of Love


P.s If you’re ready to make 2017 the best year yet and want to achieve permanent, diet free weight loss, over come emotional eating and love what you see in the mirror you can book in for your complimentary Break Through Call where we will uncover the real things stopping you losing weight! You can do that here. Or using the button below.