For one whole month you'll have The Mind Over Muffin team by your side!

  • Make Peace With Food So It’s No Longer Something You Stress And Worry About
  • Stop Emotional Eating And Bingeing
  • Get Out Of The Fad Diet Mentality Once And For All
  • Lose Weight Permanently Without Having To Deprive Yourself Of Everything You Love
  • Take More Care Of Your Mindset And Emotions Which Will In Turn Give You More Control Around Food And More Love For Your Body
  • Stop That Negative Self Talk That Sabotages Your Success
  • How To Be More Mindful Around Food So You Can Make Better Choices, Eat Less And Be More Satisfied By Food

At Mind Over Muffin we do it differently! We know there are 4 essential elements that when addressed will enable you to heal your relationship with food and to lose weight permanently; The Physical, The Emotional, The Mental and The Spiritual Element. In order to achieve true long term success all 4 elements must be worked on together.

Hey Lovely...

I’m so glad you’ve found your way to this page…these things never happen by accident, you’re right where you're meant to be, and I'm super grateful to connect with you!

So why are we running the October Challenge?...Firstly we know emotional eating and binge eating are a huge problem today, as our lives get busier and more stressful it's easy to turn to food to give you a moment of comfort, relief or distraction. But this is having a big impact on your health, your weight loss success, your mindset and your overall happiness!

We also know that the Christmas season is fast approaching and is a tough time of year for a lot of women in regards to food and weight loss. There is a significant rise in people starting diets and taking out new gym memberships in January trying to ‘get in shape’ for the year ahead. Well this year we want you to be sorted well in advance so you can set a New Years Resolution that isn’t ‘lose weight’ or ‘stop eating chocolate’.

At Mind Over Muffin we know there are 4 main elements to weight loss and healing your relationship with food, The Physical (which everyone knows about - nourish your body with food and move it with exercise) but the other three in my opinion are just as, if not more important because without them you can’t stick to the physical element.

The others… The Emotional, The Mental and The Spiritual Elements. We know that in order to achieve total freedom around food, long term weight loss success and true self love, all of these elements have to be addressed. Without one of them, something will always be missing and that long term success you want just doesn’t happen.

I spent many years trying to address only The Physical Element (because that's what we're told right?) and so I went round and round in circles, losing a little bit of weight only to go and put it all back on again because I didn’t have what I needed in my mindset or my emotional and spiritual awareness to totally heal the issue. Make sense?

Without the awareness of WHY you eat when you're not physically hungry or WHY your body is holding on to weight, or WHY you feel the way you do about yourself the weight and food journey can be hard! 

But we're here to help make it easier...and actually fun!


(For Lifetime Access)


Theresa. Australia

After 20 years of struggling with my weight I’ve lost 14cms off my waist alone, I'm back in a pair of jeans that haven’t fitted me for 18 months, my portion sizes have naturally decreased and I’m no longer constantly (emotionally) hungry, it’s a great feeling. I've never managed to lose so much weight without a diet before and I am truly happy that I no longer feel the need to step on the scales every morning to measure my success.

  • 4 x Video Trainings Recorded By Me (Leanne) (1 per week) On A Range Of Hot Topics Around Overcoming Emotional And Binge Eating - All Diet Free
  • 4 x Actionable Emotional Eating Tools And Processes (1 per week) The Same Tools I Used To Heal My Relationship With Food And Lose Weight
  • 4 x Live Q&A Sessions With Me (Leanne) & Tash (1 per week)
  • 2 x Emotional Eating Meditations To Help Reprogram Your Mind Around Food, Be More Mindful And Love Your Body
  • 2 x Inspirational Mind Over Muffin Screensavers To Keep You On Track And Motivated
  • Exclusive Access To A Private Support Group For The Members Only
  • 2 Guest Interviews, One With A Self Love And Confidence Expert (the other will be revealed)
  • 1 x 20 minute 1:1 Session With One Of Our Amazing Mind Over Muffin Coaches To Help You Get A Personalised Plan In Place For Moving Forwards (Crazy good value I know right?!)
  • Lifetime Access To The Content So You Can Revisit As Often As You Like


(For Lifetime Access)


Kristie. USA

Before working with Leanne I had struggled with my weight my whole life. I tried every diet imaginable but nothing worked long term. Leanne has essentially transformed my life, in just 3 months I have lost 15lbs (nearly 7kgs) and still going strong. Im working out 5 plus times per week whereas before I had to drag myself onto the treadmill. I’m loving my body, feeling good about myself and am no longer determined by my weight. This has given me key to being comfortable in my own skin!

I want this month long challenge to be affordable for everyone. When I was really struggling with my relationship with food and my body I would have given anything to learn a new approach that would actually work for me so we want as many women to have access as possible.

And also I'm very into numbers and their meanings. $44 for the month means $11 per week. (That's less than $1.50 per day to work on yourself - that's crazy!)


44 = The double vibration of the number 4. It's all about your intuition and inner wisdom. It's about staying on your path to achieving your goals. (Very fitting). It also says you have nothing to fear in regards to your life, work and Divine purpose.

11 = Is a reminder to connect to your higher self and symbolises spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

1.40 = 1 and 4 - A combination of the above numbers! Meant to be!

Why is there a charge? We've invested a lot of time, energy and money into our years and years of training.  I've also learned the power of investing in myself and my personal development and it has changed my life and is something I will always continue to do. So I encourage you to do the same!

It's a powerful sign to The Universe when a woman takes the step to invest in herself and says yes to her goals and dreams, so you will always be rewarded!


If you've been looking for a sign to work on yourself... this is it!


Emotional Eating Expert for Women Ready To Make Peace With Food And Love What They See In The Mirror.

I used to be an emotional eater! I spent many years struggling to crush that habit and to lose weight and actually keep it off. I did the whole diet thing for years but went round and round in circles never getting a long term result. learning to master my mindset, my emotions and to look at the root of my habits and behaviours around food and my body, things started to really change for me.

Now I'm on a mission to share this new approach with as many women as I can!

Finding a wonderful balance where food is just food, you feel confident and comfortable in your clothes and you are grateful and loving towards your body is possible and I want to help you get there!

Here's one of my before and after photos just so you can see. However I want to point out yes the physical shifts were amazing but the changes I'm most proud of and happy about are the ones that happened inside. By doing the deeper inner work I've been able to naturally maintain my size but also remain healthily balanced around food.

Emotional Eating Coach at Mind Over Muffin

After being in a terrible relationship, I had gone through my final diet. This ladies, is what I like to call the heart break diet. There is no diet quite like the heart break diet and I lost a considerable amount of weight very quickly. Once I managed to get myself out of bed and feed myself I slowly started to gain weight. Before I knew it I had gained 2.5 Stone (15kgs) and lost all ability to fit into anything I owned.

I turned to food and the emotional roller-coaster began.  I would eat without even thinking, I would binge on crisps, chocolate and take away meals and then feel so guilty and annoyed, determined that Monday I would start my diet. Monday came, Monday went and this cycle continued!


For so many years, I would look in the mirror judging what I saw. I had done every diet out there, constantly battling with food and my weight. I had gone to weight loss classes, felt guilty for ordering a take away and every so often would force myself to use a treadmill, all the while being totally miserable.

I had hoped for a solution and lucky for me, Mind Over Muffin came to my rescue. After my own success I joined the team in 2018 and have been helping women like yourself overcome the emotional ties to food and get the weight loss results they truly deserve.


(For Lifetime Access)


Oh and p.s...I'm really excited to see you there!



Copyright © Mind Over Muffin 2018 · Legal Information  |  Photography by Songy Knox.