STARTS Monday 24th February 2025

Break free from the rollercoaster of emotions around food, quit bingeing, stop over eating and feel confident in your own skin (all diet free)

With Crystal & Leanne

We've been right where you are now...

Feeling frustrated with food, obsessing over everything you eat, binging, restricting, trying every diet under the sun and going round and round in circles with weight loss. It's exhausting. We did it for years. We spent so long battling with food and our bodies but never got anywhere until we uncovered the real reasons why we were using food and turned our attention to healing the problem from within instead of from outside.

Working on your mindset, habits & emotions around food and your body IS the solution and will last a life time.

Crystal Lost Over 50kgs With NO Diets & Fitness Plans…

After battling with my weight and binge eating for years I embarked on a journey of self love and healing and it changed everything. I’ve lost 50kgs without diets and restriction.

Leanne Lost Over 15kgs And Has Been Binge Free For Over 10 Years

I tried all the diets out there to lose the 15kgs I’d gained from emotional eating but nothing would work. I started addressing WHY I was reaching for food when I was stressed, bored, lonely and overwhelmed and worked on changing my mindset around food and everything changed. The weight dropped off and I've not binged since.

We will teach you the exact process to follow so you can get results like this too.

Imagine in 6 weeks time you’ve completely changed your eating habits, stopped over eating, quit secret eating, binge eating is a thing of the past. You’re feeling lighter, more relaxed with food, moving your body because you want to and it feels good. Everything is flowing. The stress and overwhelm around food is gone and eating is just eating, it’s enjoyable and that’s it. You’re making good food choices, nourishing your body and feeling comfortable in your clothes.

This is possible for you.

3 Reasons You Haven't Got Results Yet...

You Don't Have A Food Or Weight Problem

We know that sounds crazy but it's true. Food and weight are not the real issue, it goes deeper than that. Food is something you're using to fill an emotional void, it's the deep emotion you're carrying that needs releasing so you can break the habit. To do this you must look inwards. 

You're Missing The 3 Key Elements  

Most people focus only on the physical element to lose weight, restricting your food and exercising to burn calories. However there are 2 other elements that are crucial to finding peace with food and your body; the Emotional and Spiritual Elements. All three must be addressed for long term freedom.

You View Food And Your Body As The Enemy

It's virtually impossible to make any long term change from a place of anger, frustration, shame or guilt. If you're feeling as though you have an ongoing war with food and your body, there are some simple mindset shifts you need to make that will allow you to accept where you're at, own who you are, and then move forwards from a place of love. Setting you up for life long changes.

"Before I had a lot of anxiety and felt like food had a power over me, I couldn't get out of the hole I was in. But now everything has changed, I'm kind to myself, I love my body and feel empowered to create the life I want. I'm also free from food and strong enough to say no, it's an amazing feeling"


Unapologetic is a totally unique approach and will help you transform your relationship with food and your body from the inside out FOR GOOD.

We want to help you break free from the emotional rollercoaster of food, to find the real reasons behind WHY you emotionally eat and help you step into a confident, loving version of yourself so you can drop the dress sizes and make it last.

We want you to wave goodbye to the outdated, 'quick fix', weight loss approaches and to instead learn the tools that will enable you to create long term results for a free future.

So... what will you learn?

How to take back your power and control with food so you can quit bingeing, stop emotional eating and find peace with eating.
Our secret formula to weight loss that lasts a lifetime. We will help you crack the Weight Loss Code.
How to end the constant battle with food and break up with diets and your scales and set yourself free.
How to feel confident in your own skin and to treat yourself with love and kindness.
How to manage your emotions around food so you can wave goodbye to cravings and drop the dress sizes easily.
How to release shame and guilt around eating and the shape and size of your body so you can find peace.
To reclaim who you are, take back your power and own it,  unapologetically. This is the year you finally make a long term change.
Tools and practices that you can use for life so you maintain food and body freedom.

Break the weight loss cycle and food battle  

This is a totally unique approach, one that goes against everything you're conditioned to believe about weight loss from the diet industry, but it's one that will get to the heart of the problem and help you heal this long term.

(worth $650)

What's Included?

This round is LIVE, you’ll want to get a spot.
We might not run another live round again.

6 x Live Unapologetic Calls With Leanne & Crystal

Throughout the 6 weeks you will have a weekly live call with both of us where we will support you through any blocks, guide you through processes, answer your questions and help support you on the journey. These calls are powerful and invaluable.

6 Powerful Modules 

Online modules teaching you our process to heal your relationship with food and your body. Easy to follow and implement, includes video trainings, work books and practical processes to apply

Live Q&A Session

You will have the opportunity to get your questions answered by Leanne & Crystal. This means anytime you hit a bump in the road or need some support, you will get the answers you need.

The Unapologetic Tool Kit

This resource is invaluable. The Unapologetic Toolkit contains all the incredible tools and process you need to do the deep inner work around food and your body. These are tools you can continue to use way into the future that will support your on going journey. You'll find all sorts in here, from meditations, journalling prompts, workbooks, emotional release processes, cravings busters....the list goes on!

Meditations & Visualisations

11 Powerful Audios to reprogram your mind around food even whilst you sleep.

Safe Space Community

Having a group of women around you, who get exactly what you're going through and know exactly how you feel, is life changing. We are honoured to create a space where you can show up as your authentic self, voice whatever you need to work through this and to get the love and support for this journey.

Lifetime Access To Membership Site

As a member of Unapologetic you receive access to our membership site which you can have for a lifetime. This means you can revisit all the content as often as you like and continue to use all the tools and practices into the future.

PLUS....These Bonuses!

When you sign up to Unapologetic today, you'll receive these added bonuses, for free!


A guided meditation to help you conquer those annoying cravings and take back control around food. Use it regularly to retrain your mind around food.


This audio is designed to help you identify between emotional and physical hunger so you can make some powerful changes.


A practice full of incredible self love process that will help you find your confidence, make peace with your body and start loving who you are.

Just a reminder there are NO diets, food plans or exercise routines in this program. We are all about the inner work to help you heal your relationship with food & body.

Unapologetic is for you if…

You can’t face another diet attempt .

If you’ve been on the dieting treadmill for years and are exhausted from it, this is your solution.

You’re a binge eater or emotional eater

Tired of late night snacking, hiding food, eating for comfort, eating way more than what you need, this process will help you.

You want to lose weight or maintain weight easily

Ready for an approach that makes weight loss simple? You don’t have to restrict your food and cut out everything you love, we will show you how.

You’re at your last resort with weight loss and food

At the point of giving up? We got you girl. We know how frustrating this can be, we’ve been there, waking up every day hating your body, overwhelmed by food, but this can all change very quickly with the right tools.

This Is A Beautiful 6 Part Process

Below is an overview of the modules inside Unapologetic, please note not everything is listed here, there are some extras and surprises inside.

The Reason

This module will change your whole perspective on food and weight loss. You will uncover the real reasons why you emotionally eat and feel the way you do about your body so you can break free for good


Learn how to acknowledge, understand and release emotion so you can stop cravings, lose weight naturally and feel light and free. Goodbye stress, anxiety & overwhelm

Your Food & Body Story

Find the old childhood programming and patterns that are keeping your eating habits and weight loss cycles alive today. By undoing these you will create new positive habits with food and your body.


This week is all about reclaiming your life so you fill the voids with the things you love instead of food. You’ll stop over eating, using food for fulfilment and find a peace in your body. Learning mindFULLness is a crucial part of this too


This week is all about breaking through the blocks that are holding you back so you can move forwards on your food and body journey and finally make this the time you succeed with food and weight loss for a lifetime.

Unapologetically YOU

This is where you will step fully into the best version of you. The one that is at peace with food, can eat what she wants and remain slim, who’s confident in her body and can move forward in life with total harmony all built in as a new lifestyle.

   Before doing this work I had struggled with my weight my whole life. I tried every diet imaginable but nothing worked long term. Leanne has essentially transformed my life, in just 3 months I have lost 15lbs (nearly 7kgs) and still going strong. Im working out 5 plus times per week whereas before I had to drag myself onto the treadmill. I’m loving my body, feeling good about myself and am no longer determined by my weight. This has given me key to being comfortable in my own skin!

Kristie. USA

Ready To Join Unapologetic?

Sign Up NOW For the Early Bird Bonuses Worth $650

Save $300 when you join with the early bird
Get access to Crystal’s Body Confidence Course For Free! 
Get Leanne’s Rapid Conquer Cravings 5 Part Mini Course for FREE.
Bonus LIVE personalised workshop with Leanne & Crystal for deep inner healing around your eating habits and body.


P.s There's also the option to upgrade to 1:1 level - details listed further down.



2 x monthly payments

USUALLY 2 x payments $697

6 x Live Coaching Calls With Leanne & Crystal
6 x Powerful Modules Containing Processes That Will Help You Make Long Lasting Changes
Live Q&A Session To Get The Support You Need
The Unapologetic Tool Kit
Safe Space Community
Lifetime Access To Members Area
PLUS $650 worth of early bird bonuses!






SAVE $300 with the early bird & GET THE BONUSES!

One Time Payment 

6 x Live Coaching Calls With Leanne & Crystal
6 x Powerful Modules Containing Processes That Will Help You Make Long Lasting Changes
Live Q&A Session To Get The Support You Need
The Unapologetic Tool Kit
Safe Space Community 
Lifetime Access To Members Area 
PLUS $650 worth of early bird bonuses!

You can also upgrade to a 1:1 Experience

We have only 2 places available for this. You can upgrade your Unapologetic experience to 1:1 level which means you get 2 x 1:1 session’s with Leanne and 2 x 1:1 Sessions with Crystal throughout your journey. This will be a personalised and fast track approach to success.

4 x 1:1 sessions in total, as well as all the inclusions of Unapologetic.





2 x Personalised 1:1 Sessions With Leanne
2 x Personalised 1:1 Session’s With Crystal 
Personal Message Access To Us Throughout Your 1:1 Journey
6 x Live Group Coaching Calls With Us
Access To All Inclusions Of Unapologetic
Lifetime Access To Members Area 





One Time Payment 

2 x Personalised 1:1 Session’s With Leanne
2 x Personalised 1:1 Sessions With Crystal 
Personal Message Access To Us Throughout Your 1:1 Journey
6 Live Group Coaching Calls With Us
Access To All Inclusions Of Unapologetic
Lifetime Access To Members Area 

Hear from some of our past clients...

We've worked with so many women over the years, each with such a beautiful success story. These are just a small snippet of them to show you some of what is possible.

No More Emotional Hunger

 Before the program I was hungry all of the time, I’d tried every diet out there and had a weight problem for 20 years that I just couldn’t seem to solve. I was at the point of thinking I’d be overweight forever. Doing this program has turned this all around for me, I feel like a completely different person. I’m no longer emotionally hungry, I can leave chocolate in the cupboard for weeks, I don’t count calories, I listen to my body and eat healthily and I’m back in a pair of jeans I haven’t worn for years, it’s an amazing feeling!



"I am so thankful to have found you a few years ago and conquered my emotional eating. I haven't done it for over 2 years now and I'm so so happy to have broken free. I never turn to food for comfort anymore and it's such a blessing on my mental health"


" Crystal has the absolute sweetest, kind, caring and fun energy about her. She's a joy to be around, honestly. She made me feel so connected, so loved, so protected and SO worthy. I did a retreat with her and it was everything I was dreaming of doubled and then doubled again. Her knowledge on self love, respect and confidence is contagious and I feel like a changed woman. I am a changed woman. I would recommend her services to anyone who resonates. I am working with her again soon and cannot wait. The things I have taken from the self love retreat and especially from Crystal have shifted the way I view myself, boosted my self confidence and connected me to other wonderful women in a way I didn't know was possible.


Our Promise To You...

Our promise to you is that we will guide you with the most beautiful tools, in the most safe and uplifting space. We will walk with you hand in hand along this journey. We will share openly and give you everything we have to help you heal this on a deep level.

What we ask of you is to go into this with an open mind and an open heart. To bring everything to the table, to go all in, to dig deep, to be willing to sit with yourself, your excuses, your emotions and to give yourself full permission to change.

If you can meet us there, then my beautiful soul, you are in for the most incredible transformational journey and will emerge the other side, entirely and unapologetically YOU.

Want To Know If This Is For You?

This is PERFECT for you if:

You binge eat, stress eat, secret eat, emotionally eat...any type of eating that is feeling excessive
You've tried diet after diet in the attempt to lose weight and nothing has worked long term
You're so unhappy in your body, you hate seeing yourself in the mirror and desperately want to feel more confident
You're done hiding, you're done with the shame and guilt, you're ready to finally transform and break free
You want to find peace with food and a sense of acceptance with you body

This is NOT for you if:

You're wanting nutritional advice and calorie plans
You're looking for the next quick fix fad diet
You're not willing to try something new or follow our advice
You're not willing to get honest with yourself about where you're at right now
You're not going to show up and commit to yourself

When you join us here's what happens next...

If you're ready to join Unapologetic, we would be honoured to share the journey with you. All that's left to do is choose your payment option, you'll receive an email with all the details you need and access to your bonuses instantly.

SIgn up

Choose your level either group or 1:1 and then your payment option. Onetime payment to save $ or easy pay instalment option.


You'll receive an email containing all the details you need for the next 6 weeks.


You can get to work right away with your extra bonuses that you have instant access to.

Hey I'm Crystal...

Crystal's inspiration for what she does comes from her own journey, as is so often the case.  After struggling personally and discovering the amazing life changes that came from working on yourself, she knew this was a message that needed to be shared.

She was excited to embark on the new journey of being a personal trainer and helping people lose weight. Little did she realize so many people would constantly be unsuccessful in their pursuit for weight loss, not due to the fact that they didn't try that there was something else holding people back.

After fighting to help people and suffering when she went into comp prep finally wanting to feel good enough in her own skin and feel confident to get clients the results in personal training she took that knowledge and continued to pursue helping women lose weight, feel confident and love who they are. But it continued the same way as before unfortunately it was unsuccessful.

Until she found the missing link for herself in her own journey which was the power of the mind and the tools that changed her life forever. Now Crystal has packaged this together to help women all over the world to change the way you view yourself, your body and food.

Crystal looks forward to getting to know you and help you in your journey forward.

Hey I'm Leanne. . .

Ex emotional eater, food sneaker, binge eater, yo-yo diet fanatic! I wasted so many years of my life stressing over food and my weight, abusing my body, counting calories and using the treadmill, none of which helped me long term. My breakthrough came from delving into my emotions, habits and belief systems that were keeping me trapped. I have completely transformed my relationship food and body by working on myself and am now helping other women follow the same process because this stuff is POWERFUL and IT WORKS! 

Over 10 years ago I lost 15kgs using the systems I now teach. In 2020 I had my daughter and the baby weight dropped off naturally and easily all because of these tools I learned. They will completely change your relationship with food forever.

Our most asked questions

What if I can't make the live calls?

Of course we would love you to be on the calls live but we also understand that life happens and time zones might not match up, so all live calls will be recorded and stored on the membership site for you.

What if I've never done anything like this before?

That's amazing. We are so excited and so honoured to have you joining us. It's ok to feel a little nervous, in fact it's a great thing. Just remember that doing something different is where the key to solving this will lie. We guarantee you will love this journey.

I've tried everything why would this work?

We hear you! So did we. We tried EVERYTHING and the only solution we found, that is still working for us now years on, is what we are going to teach you in this program.

I've never done group programs, what if I don't like it?

That's ok, there's a first for everything. It can feel a little daunting joining a group we totally understand but just remember that every woman on this journey knows exactly how you're feeling. They're going through the same thing. We can guarantee that you will learn so much from everyone sharing this space with you and will make some incredible life long connections here.

Can I change my mind once I'm in the group?

Once you're in, you're in. We will be sharing so much incredible information from the get go which means once you're in you're in for the journey. I know old patterns and habits can pop up that makes us want to run from facing our inner work, but we are here to support you and if we let you back out, we'd be doing you a dis-service. Once you sign up, we are committed to you succeeding.

I don't live in Australia can I still join?

That's ok lovely you can join from anywhere in the world! 

I feel scared to invest money in myself

Oh sister....we know! It can feel so scary to invest in yourself but it's not about the money, there will always be more money, it's about your belief in you and whether you feel you deserve this opportunity. And let me tell you, you do! You deserve so much to be free of this battle with food and your body. And just for a moment consider how much money may have been wasted in the past on diets and weight loss systems that didn't work. This is different.

Between us we've invested tens of thousands of dollars in our own development, and we feel a bit scared every time too but magical things happen when you commit to yourself and tell the Universe 'I'm Ready'.

What date does the program start?

We start on Monday 24th February.

How long are each of the live calls?

The calls will run for 1 - 1.5 hours.

What happens after the program finishes?

Well you will be set with a toolbox of magic to help you continue on your journey but there will also be options to join our next level program or work 1:1 with us if it feel aligned for you. The support can continue if you feel you want to keep learning and transforming.

I got access to bonuses what does this mean?

The bonuses will be delivered to your inbox and accessible via the members site.

What if I've worked with you before?

Then welcome back! It would be an honour to support you again. If you're in need of a refresher or want to do something wonderful for yourself  (which you deserve) then you can absolutely work with us again. These tools are powerful but it's the application that makes them effective, and having the accountability will work wonders for making you take action.

Got more questions? Ask us...

Feel free to email us if you have any questions that haven't been answered through this page. 

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