Should I Or Shouldn’t I Count Calories?

Hey lovely Today I’m discussing a hot topic of calorie counting. I experienced a lot of stress, overwhelm and obsession when it came to this approach on my weight loss journey, but here’s what I’ve learned along the way. If you’re currently confused or struggling in this area then definitely have watch. If you have…

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How To Stop The After Dinner Snack Attack!

Hey ladies This week I wanted to share some insights on an amazing question that a lady I met on the aeroplane back from Hawaii asked me. The question was ‘ What’s your number one tip to stop snacking after dinner, it’s the one thing that stops me hitting my goals.’ This is an amazing…

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Essential Holiday Season Food For Thought

Hi Ladies Just a quick one from me today but I wanted to cover a topic that comes up time and time again with my coaching clients and that’s the dreaded holiday season food panic. I have heard a lot from women that they want to relax on holiday and so relax their eating habits…

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The Time Myth. Escape It Now And Sky Rocket Your Success

Hi Ladies Today I want to share with you a quick video to dispel The Time Myth. Do you often use the excuse of not having enough time to prepare healthy food? Or not having enough time to exercise? Or not having enough time to dedicate to working on your mindset? I know it is…

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The 1 Small Thing Having A HUGE Effect On Your Weight Loss Success. Change It NOW!

Hi Lovely Ladies…Today I want to share with you the 1 small thing that is having a huge effect on your weight loss success! Once you know what it is you can take back control instantly! And trust me, you will be surprised! It’s not what you think! Have a watch! And feel free to…

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