One Simple Switch To Get Results Right Now
I want to talk to you about one simple shift you can make to start getting results right away. Watch this week’s video below: So many women will say to me “Leanne I just want to be slim, I want to lose the weight, I’m fed up of feeling like this. I want to be…
One Secret Step To Maintain Motivation
Ladies I know how hard it feels to motivate yourself, to get up, get outside, eat healthily, to take all the steps you know you should take, I get it, I’ve been there. I know how sometimes it feels like there is an internal battle going on and it’s really really frustrating. Maybe you even…
Stuck On The Dieting Treadmill? …How To Get Off!
Hi guys today I’m talking about the dieting treadmill and why it’s so important to get off as soon as you can. This is something I feel so strongly about – I spent years going round and round in circles, obsessed with counting calories, becoming obsessed with food, depriving myself, starving myself and allowing food…
Finally The Weight Loss Myth Demystified! You Will Want To Know This!
I am about to pull the cloak off a very illusive problem that so many women are misinformed about and this is weight loss. This information changed my life and I know it will do the same for you! So I am sure you probably think you have a fair idea of what weight loss…
“I Don’t Feel Like It” Is Stopping Your Weight Loss Success!
One thing I have learnt from business that directly reflects anything you do in life, is that you have to sell yourself on what you’re doing. So what do I mean? Watch today’s video to find out! How often do you let yourself off the hook because you ‘don’t feel like it’ today? How often…
Do You Use The Words ‘Cheat Days’ And ‘Treats’? Erase These Words From Your Vocabulary!
Do you find yourself using phrases like this “ I’ve been so good this week I deserve a TREAT?’ or “ I can’t have that piece of cake yet, it’s Wednesday and Saturday is my CHEAT day?” Or do you refer to having dessert as a TREAT? Well lovely lady I invite you today to…
Stop Beating Yourself Up And You’ll Lose Weight
How often do you beat yourself up for the way you look, the size of your legs, the bits on your belly that roll over your jeans when you sit down? How often do you tell yourself you’re stupid, worthless, a waste of space? Sounds familiar?….it also sounds super harsh doesn’t it, but I can…
The Power Battle. Food vs You…Who Will Win?
Hi Ladies today I want to talk to you about a common problem that I keep hearing time and time again with my clients which is “food has some kind of power over me” Now I completely get it, I know exactly how it feels, I have been there. But now I am the other…
How To Switch Your Thoughts And Lose Weight
Hi Ladies today we are continuing on from last weeks video where we were discussing the power your thoughts have on your reality and your weight loss success. If you missed last weeks video, go back, complete the task and then come back to this one. So to continue on from last week, if you…
Is Your Internal Voice Stopping You Losing Weight?
Hi Ladies today I want to discuss how your internal voice is stopping you losing weight. Most people think mindset has nothing to do with weight loss, but ladies your mindset is the key to EVERYTHING in your life, including your health, your happiness and your body. Everything you ‘think’ is to do with weight…