Stop Beating Yourself Up And You’ll Lose Weight

How often do you beat yourself up for the way you look, the size of your legs, the bits on your belly that roll over your jeans when you sit down? How often do you tell yourself you’re stupid, worthless, a waste of space? Sounds familiar?….it also sounds super harsh doesn’t it, but I can…

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The Power Battle. Food vs You…Who Will Win?

Hi Ladies today I want to talk to you about a common problem that I keep hearing time and time again with my clients which is “food has some kind of power over me” Now I completely get it, I know exactly how it feels, I have been there. But now I am the other…

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How To Switch Your Thoughts And Lose Weight

Hi Ladies today we are continuing on from last weeks video where we were discussing the power your thoughts have on your reality and your weight loss success. If you missed last weeks video, go back, complete the task and then come back to this one. So to continue on from last week, if you…

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Is Your Internal Voice Stopping You Losing Weight?

Hi Ladies today I want to discuss how your internal voice is stopping you losing weight. Most people think mindset has nothing to do with weight loss, but ladies your mindset is the key to EVERYTHING in your life, including your health, your happiness and your body. Everything you ‘think’ is to do with weight…

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Are You Carrying Emotional Weight?

Hi ladies today I want to share with you something I wish I had of known when I really needed it, this information made such a massive difference to my success so I wanted to share it with you. I can guarantee if you’re not getting the results you want, not shifting the weight or…

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Getting Honest With My Food Cravings And Breaking Free

WARNING MASSIVE TRUTH BOMB! Hi Ladies Today I wanted to share something very personal with you, that if I am honest really worried me the other week. So I was having one of those days where nothing seemed to be going right, nothing would flow, my work wasn’t going as planned and I felt really…

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Feeling Like Failure? Accelerate Your Weight Loss For Instant Results.

Today I want to talk to you about whether you are feeling stuck, worthless or like a failure because you don’t seem to be able to succeed with societies conventional weight loss methods; diets, slimming shakes, weight loss products, body wraps, bootcamps, work out DVD’s? If this is how you are feeling guys then you…

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3 Simple Steps To Conquer Cravings And Lose Weight

Hi Ladies today I want to talk to you about how to conquer cravings, stop binge eating and lose weight in 3 simple steps. I know it feels like food has a strong hold over you at times but I am going to break this down for you and show you how to overcome it.…

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Why Diet’s Aren’t Getting You Permanent Results

Hi ladies Have you spent years trying different diets? Do you feel like you’re stuck in the classic yo-yo of lose some weight, stop the diet and put it all back on, then start all over again? It’s frustrating isn’t it? Well today I want to share a video with you that I actually recorded…

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Delicious, Nutritious & Super Simple.

Personally, the way I choose to eat is ‘go natural.’ I ask myself ‘can this food be naturally grown or sourced or can I make it myself’? If the answer is yes then that’s what I choose to put in my body. There used to be a time in my life when I was dieting…

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